CREATINE gives you the edge in getting the best out of each rep, set or step you take. With the CREATECH® LOADED formula you receive a 1:1 dose of lighting fast absorbent Creatine HCL and perhaps the most researched strength and endurance sports performance supplement, Creatine Monohydrate. CREATECH® LOADED provides adequate ATP levels at the time most critical when training, enabling you to increase your muscle energy for strength and power to build the muscle you crave.
CLUSTER DEXTRIN® is the highly specialized carbohydrate compound CREATECH® LOADED relies on to pump up the sarcoplasm levels in your muscles to deliver the Creatine payload. Cluster Dextrin® is highly soluble in water, moving quickly from your NUTRITECH® shaker cup, through your stomach, to your gut where it is absorbed, transported and pumped into your muscles along with the 1:1 Creatine payload to assist with strength, endurance and recovery times.
BCAAs on a 3:1:1 ratio of L-Leucine, L-Valine and L-Isoleucine, translating into you receiving the correct dose of each to assist with protein synthesis and muscle mass increase over time. Simply put, a hard-gainer cannot go without BCAAs and require every nutrient to keep your system anabolic.
20 VITAMINS & MINERALS replenish your system and are essential especially if you want to keep your immune system up to standard when training hard.